Professional Whip Artistry Training & Entertainment

Professional Whip Artistry Training & Entertainment

  • Tag Archives Dayton at work and play
  • Bill Franz, “Dayton at Work and Play” photographer visits The Whip Artistry Studio

    By Gery L. Deer

    In the 17 years since opening the studio, we have had literally hundreds of media requests for photo and video shoots, interviews or access for feature stories in the news. Most of them are refused for one reason or another. But a couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a local photographer named Bill Franz.

    Photo by Bill Franz

    Photo by Bill Franz

    Bill was interested in stopping by the studio to take some photos of me working the whips, just for artistic interest. Bill is a well-known photography figure in the Dayton, Ohio area and runs a Facebook page called “Dayton at Work and Play,” where he displays his talents by capturing the images that are Dayton.

    From the shorelines of the Great Miami to the parks and people that make this region so unique, Bill’s work clearly offers the rest of us a look at what a true artist sees through his lens.

    I had seen his work through a business associate and was impressed with some stock photography he’d given her to use in a promotional website. What I didn’t know was that his take on photography was one of genuine passion and interest.

    Usually, when a photographer wants to see something, he has a

    Photo by Bill Franz

    Photo by Bill Franz

    specific move or trick he or she would like to capture. But Bill was open to just about anything. Afterwards we talked about work, business and writing. I was fascinated by his view of local society, so I made it a point to take more time with his photos. Impressive doesn’t even come close to what I thought.

    In any case, Bill will be back soon to do some photos with me and Barbara (Scout) for a show taking place next year in Yellow Springs, Ohio. If you have time, take a moment to look through his work.  More to come.

    Update: Bill returned to our studio for a photo shoot with the editor of the Dayton City Paper, Sarah Sidlow, and took some more amazing shots …

    See more of Bill’s work At SmugMug –

    or on Facebook:

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