Professional Whip Artistry Training & Entertainment

Professional Whip Artistry Training & Entertainment

  • Tag Archives The Whip Artistry Studio
  • 20th Annual American Western Arts Showcase at Annie Oakley Festival Commemorative T-Shirt


    It’s our 20th Anniversary American Western Arts Showcase at this year’s Annie Oakley Festival at the Darke County Fairground in Greenville, Ohio and we’re commemorating with a first-time, limited edition t-shirt! Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind shirt, inspired by the original Wild West Arts Club event shirts of the past. Our event has changed names a few times, but it’s always been a place to highlight the best in Wild West Performing Arts – Whip Handling, Knife-Tomahawk Throwing, and Trick / Fancy Roping!

    Over the last 20 years, we’ve attracted more than 500 participants and entertained thousands of spectators. Don’t miss this year’s event, July 28-29, 2023, and get your commemorative shirt, ONLY available by special order! The shirt was designed by the talented graphic artist, Taylor Huggins, owner of Sage & Oak Designers and Gery Deer of GLD Communications.


    Once we make them, there won’t be any reprints.

    This is the 2005 Ohio Regional Wild West Arts Club contingent, now known as the American Western Arts Showcase.

    Above is what the shirt will look like, except it will be bright red, not maroon. The graphic is as shown, front and back. We are taking orders ONLY for a limited time through our production shop, so you have to call and place your order through them. You can order as many as you like, pay on the phone, and get shipping as well.

    Sorry, we don’t have an online order capability for this project. TAKING ORDERS ONLY UNTIL 12 NOON ON MONDAY, JULY 17TH! And they will NOT be available at the event, you must pre-order.

    If you’re coming to the event, you can ask them to have Gery Deer bring your order there for pickup.

    TO ORDER: Call Trophy Sports Center at 937-376-2311, 10 AM – 5 PM, M-F. They are CLOSED Saturday and Sunday. Tell them you want the American Western Arts Showcase 20th T-Shirt.

    Once again, we are only doing ONE run of these shirts. Get your order in now!

  • Mark your calendars – 2016 Annie Oakley Western Arts Showcase!

    GREENVILLE, OH –  The Annie Oakley Western Arts Showcase events will be two days this year, Friday July 29 and Saturday, July 30, 2016. All events begin at noon on Friday with open workshops and impromptu demonstrations and a full performance tentatively set for 6PM! On Saturday, everything starts at 1 p.m. with the Whip Contest Exhibition, which will include speed and accuracy, bullwhip fast draw and a style contest.

    Contests will be followed by a matinee performance featuring whip artist Gery L. Deer, the knife throwing skills of Bass Blades and more. The Grand Wild West Showcase will be hosted by The Brothers & Co. Entertainers music and variety show.

    And the best part? This year’s Annie Oakley Event is FREE admission!

    Check out WDTN-TV2’s Katie Kenney with Gery Deer on “Living Dayton” …

    For full details visit
    Two great videos highlighting the event – provided by Rich Hoffman …

    “Last year breathed new life into this long-running event,” Deer says. “Our goal is to provide a featured event for Saturday that will help draw more people on what is typically the busiest day of the festival.” For more information or to participate in the whip contests, contact the production office of GLD Enterprises at (937) 902-4857 or email,

    For more information on the festival, visit

  • Bill Franz, “Dayton at Work and Play” photographer visits The Whip Artistry Studio

    By Gery L. Deer

    In the 17 years since opening the studio, we have had literally hundreds of media requests for photo and video shoots, interviews or access for feature stories in the news. Most of them are refused for one reason or another. But a couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a local photographer named Bill Franz.

    Photo by Bill Franz

    Photo by Bill Franz

    Bill was interested in stopping by the studio to take some photos of me working the whips, just for artistic interest. Bill is a well-known photography figure in the Dayton, Ohio area and runs a Facebook page called “Dayton at Work and Play,” where he displays his talents by capturing the images that are Dayton.

    From the shorelines of the Great Miami to the parks and people that make this region so unique, Bill’s work clearly offers the rest of us a look at what a true artist sees through his lens.

    I had seen his work through a business associate and was impressed with some stock photography he’d given her to use in a promotional website. What I didn’t know was that his take on photography was one of genuine passion and interest.

    Usually, when a photographer wants to see something, he has a

    Photo by Bill Franz

    Photo by Bill Franz

    specific move or trick he or she would like to capture. But Bill was open to just about anything. Afterwards we talked about work, business and writing. I was fascinated by his view of local society, so I made it a point to take more time with his photos. Impressive doesn’t even come close to what I thought.

    In any case, Bill will be back soon to do some photos with me and Barbara (Scout) for a show taking place next year in Yellow Springs, Ohio. If you have time, take a moment to look through his work.  More to come.

    Update: Bill returned to our studio for a photo shoot with the editor of the Dayton City Paper, Sarah Sidlow, and took some more amazing shots …

    See more of Bill’s work At SmugMug –

    or on Facebook:

  • Unique Valentine’s gift: bullwhip lessons for couples

    No Fifty Shades of Grey here! Just a fun, family-oriented activity!

    IMG_0289Jamestown, Ohio – Men and women have always struggled to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift and often settle for traditional flowers and candy. Shared activities, however, can be enjoyed by both and are remembered far longer than expensive flowers that will wilt or an annoying singing greeting card.

    From picnics in the park to fine dining, there are activities for every budget. One Ohio-based performing arts studio urges couples to forget ballroom dancing and horse-drawn carriage rides this Valentine’s Day and try something new – bullwhip lessons for couples!

    For the 9th year, The Whip Artistry Studio in Jamestown, Ohio, is offering special bullwhip artistry lessons designed as a fun activity just for couples.

    Opened in 1998, The Whip Artistry Studio is a certified training center and founding base of the Society of American Whip Artistry and the only permanent facility in the United States dedicated to the study of whip arts.

    “Whip artistry” is a precision concept for an ancient skill. It refers to the use of a bullwhip or stock whip for sport and performance art. The Whip Artistry Studio works like a creative arts center providing certified individual or group lessons and stage performances. Many couples and entire families have come to The Whip Artistry Studio to learn the whip for fun and sport.

    Most are hobbyists who are just interested in learning a unique skill. Others are professional performers and stage entertainers who want to add the whip to their repertoire.

    "Guys dig chicks with mad whip skills!" According to studio director, Gery Deer, women tend to have more aptitude toward the whip than their male counterparts.

    “Guys dig chicks with mad whip skills!” According to studio director, Gery Deer, women tend to have more aptitude toward the whip than their male counterparts.

    Writer, entrepreneur Gery L. Deer, is a nationally-known whip artistry performer and instructor, and the studio’s founding director.

    “Whips have been around in some form for thousands of years,” said Deer. “This is not ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ we’re talking about. Bullwhips are a fun, precision tool for family-oriented sport and entertainment and a great activity in which anyone can participate.”

    Similar to ballroom dancing, whip artistry is learned in steps with basic techniques branching into precision movement.

    Perfect for all ages and interests, the special one-hour couple’s whip artistry session starts with a quick safety overview and covers the basics of whip artistry.

    Contrary to what one might think, the couple does not crack the whip at each other nor is it used in any type of crude or dangerous manner. Instead the couple shares a unique experience and learns a new skill together.

    A seasoned whip performer and trainer, Deer has appeared on stage around the country including national television programs like The Bonnie Hunt Show and NBC’s America’s Got Talent. He also develops whip-holstering equipment and specialty training for movie studios and theatrical companies.

    Couple’s whip lessons start at $60.00 and reservations are required and must be made no less than 72 hours in advance. Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday before the end of February. For more information, or to make a reservation, go online to The Whip Artistry Studio website or call (937) 902-4857.



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